A chilly morning turned into a beautiful day for a last hurrah to the 2019 show season! We started this year with one girl on the show team and ended with three very talented girls who had some beautiful rides. Their hard work is surely paying off! This was the first debut for the four horse trailer and even Jada got to ride along and play!
Final 2019 Roster:
Ana Castillo and Kashmire Mist Romy Merz and Dun Up Pretty N Pink Ari Castillo and Kashmire Mist
Ana Castillo and Kashmire Mist (Shaya)- WT 12&Under, English
Romy Merz and Dun Up Pretty N Pink (Lilly)- WT 12&Under, English
Ari Castillo and Kashmire Mist (Shaya)- Leadline 8&Under
Romy Merz and Dun Up Pretty N Pink Ana Castillo and Kashmire Mist