Holy cow, 2021 was quite a year. JSS had tremendous growth not only with the lesson and training programs but also with our facility. I met so many equestrians this year who contribute to our wonderful, supportive and growing equine community. Every single one of my students has grown leaps and bounds with their riding; some progressing to cantering and jumping while others have gained a lot more confidence dealing with a stubborn horse or vastly improving their balance without stirrups. Personally, I feel like I am a better and more patient rider and trainer than I was a year ago. It doesn’t matter where you are as long as you keep pushing for self-improvement and recognize how far you’ve come! I am so proud of all of the riders and horses who have come through JSS over the past year- thank you for your support and let’s continue to kick butt!
Here are some of our 2021 highlights:
- A couple trips to Hampton Beach with the horses
- Trucking out to Floyd Woods Farm to ride- keeping both myself and a few of the horses sane
- Arena is back filled and lots of snow graces us with the ability for outdoor riding
- Hauling J and D for a couple Sarah Jane Dressage lessons
- Amazing and surprising news- J actually IS pregnant!
- Osgood Construction starts on the arena!
- Cindy gives birth to Pam, Phyllis, and Kevin
- Lighting in the barn is upgraded
- Some of the JSS crew goes to the New England Spring Symposium for two clinic-filled days
- The arena is not only COMPLETE but also FULLY LIT and finishing up site work
- Lucy joins our group of lesson horses and (after a rough 2 days of adjusting) fits in wonderfully!
- Lessons start back up after taking a painfully long break from November through May
- Stalls for the horses in training are built
- Sarah Jane Dressage starts her monthly JSS lesson days at our barn
- Theo returns for training for several months
- J surprises us with an early birth to a wonderful, healthy baby Imogen
- Mama J then also gives us a major scare with a potential torsion colic and a trip down to the Myrhe Clinic
- Tiny Tots lessons for ages 3-6 starts up for the summer/fall
- Joey starts to be incorporated into our lesson program, with shocking success
- Jan Brubacher jumping clinic with a boatload of half seating and grids
- Flynn, 2yo paint gelding arrives for 30 days of groundwork training (we even got on by the end!)
- Thanks to Jenn Earthrowl and Morgan Ferland, Justin and I were able to take a nice long vacation!
- Scotch joins us for a 30 day tune up after a couple years off
- Sweet Pea comes for 30 days training to work on getting soft, round and have better use of her body
- Imogen is learning a ton and growing up: she now cross-ties, leads, and picks up all of her feet
- Rocket, 2yo mini stud comes to learn how to drive
- Dior absolutely kicked butt at her first show!
- Land clearing to open up more pasture and a wrap around driveway for trailers
- Building our OUTDOOR ARENA for next year!
- Team Jackets
- The first snowfall with the indoor which I am beyond grateful to have
- JSS’s first Holiday Horse Show
- Scotch returns to help with the lesson program while we wait for some of our injured horses to heal
- Lacey, 18h Percheron mare comes to see what she knows and to get her going under saddle
- Imogen turns 6 months old and we submit her application for registration with the Irish Draught Horse Society of North America (IDHSNA); her name is officially ‘Hot Irish Mess’
Phew that’s a lot… There’s even more to look forward to in 2022. Expect another foal, an AEL team, Summer Camps, and maybe another surprise or two. Happy New Year everyone!

Hauling to Floyd Woods Farm to ride in their arena while ours is under construction